Flu Season 2013-2014

December 29th, 2013

The flu is here!  Currently many states are experiencing rising numbers of flu cases.  Much of this is likely due to family gatherings during the holidays.  There are many strains of the flu virus and before each flu season, a panel of experts predict what are the main strains to add to the flu vaccine.  During years when they are correct, the incidence of flu decreases.  When they are not, many people can become sick.  Currently, it appears that the flu strains going around now (mainly H1N1) are the ones which have been included in the flu vaccine.  However, you will not have protection if you do not get the flu vaccine.

It’s not too late to be vaccinated.  The flu season is just starting and unlike last year the vaccine is still plentiful.  Just be aware that it will take up to 2 weeks to become effective.  I generally recommend that people get adequate sleep, exercise, and drink plenty of water after getting any vaccine.  Your body’s immune system needs to be at it’s peak performance to create adequate antibodies.

If you have any close friends or relatives currently sick with the flu you should keep a distance.  Flu is spread by respiratory droplets.  Avoid being in contact (kissing, hugging, sharing food, etc.) with anyone with the flu.  Also, avoid touching your face or nose as viruses on your hands can enter your respiratory tract easily that way.

Recently, in my office I have seen a few cases of flu in people who didn’t get the flu shot who have small children at home.  Remember that when you get the flu shot, you not only protect yourself, but you are also protecting your loved ones such as your children and your parents.  A flu may be nothing more than an annoyance for healthy people but for children, the elderly, or people with chronic diseases, the flu may lead to complications such as pneumonia, dehydration and death.  Be smart, get vaccinated!